Monday 20 January 2014

So, how about this for a Social Business?

Today I'm working out of Ziferblat, on the corner of Shoreditch High Street and Old Street. It brings a new concept in social working to London, having already become popular in the Ukraine and Russia. 

Imagine a cafe where the food and drink is free but you make it yourself.  Instead of paying for what you consume, you pay for the time you spend here - a "micro-tenancy" if you will.  It's three pence per minute and, for now you track your own time and leave your fee in the donations box on the counter when you leave.  Soon you'll be handed a funky old alarm clock on arrival as your own personal timer. 

You press a roadside doorbell to gain access and then it's up a flight of stairs where you are welcomed by your host (Mark today).  

Mark pointed out the wifi password, invited me to take a seat anywhere, invited me to change the music if I wanted to or play the guitar or piano!  There are books on the shelves to read too, and in the kitchen there's free tea and coffee plus as much toast and jam or biscuits as you can eat.  You can bring your own food and use the microwave too. 

It's busy.  Articles in The Guardian, The Telegraph and elsewhere have raised its profile to the extent that the coffee machine broke yesterday with the demand. So it's instant coffee today! 

It's a buzzy atmosphere with people working quietly on their own or in small groups, there are even a couple of informal team meetings under way.  People are working with people they know.  People are sitting with and meeting new people.  Someone is playing chess and using a Rubik's cube at the same time! 

Nick Drake is on the record player, but I might change that in a while. No hang on, someone's just put I Am Kloot on.

It's a happy, busy and stimulating working environment.  Will this social business model take off?  We'll see, but judging by the air of productivity here today and the pile of coins and notes in the honesty box, it's off to a healthy start. 

It's open 10am until midnight, seven days a week. 

Useful links here:

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